Police issue derby statement

(Manchester United News)

Police issue derby statement

Greater Manchester Police have issued the following statement to fans attending Sunday's derby meeting between Manchester United and Manchester City...

As the match commander for the forthcoming Manchester United vs Manchester City fixture this Sunday, I would like to offer a very warm welcome to all supporters attending the game.

Whilst everyone recognises the significance of this fixture, I am sure we all share the same view that we want to enjoy the occasion and be thoroughly entertained in a safe environment. I have met with supporter groups' representatives from both clubs to discuss any issues or concerns you as supporters may have. As a result of this meeting there are some key points I would wish to highlight to aid your enjoyment of the match:

1. Turnstiles will be open at 14:00 BST, two hours before kick-off at 16:00 BST.

2. You cannot drink alcohol in public places, in Trafford or in Manchester city centre, due to the Designated Public Places Order being in existence. There are licensed premises in the area of Old Trafford and the city centre, and supporters will be able to purchase alcoholic drinks inside the stadium from 14:00 BST when the turnstiles open. The sale of alcoholic drinks will be restricted to two drinks, per visit to the bar, on away concourses, and adjacent home concourses.

3. I would like to remind all supporters that pyrotechnics are dangerous and are not welcome by the majority of fans. They cause breathing difficulties and we have had occasions when supporters have panicked as a consequence of them being set off in the stadium. It is an offence to enter a stadium with such an item and those engaging in this behaviour risk arrest, prosecution and the prospect of a football banning order.

4. I would please ask all fans not to engage in any form of offensive or racist chanting and I will be instructing police officers to take action against any supporter, home or away, who engages in this behaviour.

5. At this moment in time there is no intention to "hold-back" the away supporters within the stadium at the end of the fixture, however circumstances on the day may cause this decision to be reviewed. If it is deemed necessary then messages will be relayed over the tannoy system and supporters will be kept fully updated through regular announcements within the stadium, and we would aim to keep the duration to a minimum. If a "hold-back" is deemed necessary on the day the police will work closely with stewards to ensure that supporters can access toilet facilities during this time, and that any other necessary requirements from supporters are facilitated.

Greater Manchester Police will be utilising social media to communicate with supporters both leading up to and during the game and will use this method to pass on any relevant information in order to assist supporters of both United and City to have a safe and enjoyable experience.

Chief Inspector Dean Howard