Chelsea vs United: Legends tackle key questions

(Manchester United News)

Ahead of Saturday’s Barclays Premier League blockbuster between Chelsea and Manchester United, we sought the thoughts and opinions of five decorated club legends who have registered over 1,800 appearances between them. 

Denis Irwin, Bryan Robson, Edwin van der Sar, Denis Law and Dwight Yorke also earned 18 titles during their glittering careers at Old Trafford - so when they talk, you listen. With that in mind, we posed five topical questions about the trip to Stamford Bridge...

Given Chelsea's form, what kind of match do you expect at Stamford Bridge?

Denis Irwin: Chelsea away is always a difficult game for us and there’s no doubt that Jose Mourinho has made them a difficult side to beat. They’re very solid defensively and have brought in one or two players who have made a difference, like Cesc Fabregas and Diego Costa. I’d be surprised if they don’t win the league. They’re in a healthy situation at moment. I think their manager knows how to get over the line. We’re on a good run though - you can see the progress we've made from early in the season and we’ve gained a lot of confidence as well. There’s an awful lot still to play for so we have to keep going.

How key is Saturday’s game to where United finish in the table – and how much might we think ‘what could have been...’ in the title race if we win?

Bryan Robson: If we go to Chelsea and win, then Arsenal get a really good result against them next weekend… all of a sudden there’s a lot of pressure on them. But Chelsea have only been beaten three times in the league, they’re a really difficult side to beat, so I don’t think they'll slip up enough for anybody to catch them. They’re a bit like United sides from down the years - when you’re not playing well and drawing, then all of sudden somebody does something, scores a goal and nicks all three points. Chelsea have done that this season.

Although the title might be just out of reach this season, are you confident United will mount a serious challenge next campaign?

Edwin van der Sar: With a little bit of luck, they could have done that this season but for Chelsea winning a lot of those games with late goals - but let’s hope so. It’s been a good turnaround for the club and, if they can hold on to that third place, it’s a great position to then maybe strengthen in a couple of areas of the team. Believing in the philosophy of Louis, at the start of the new season, I think he can bring the club back to the place where it belongs.

There have been some great Chelsea players - which ones stand out for you?

Denis Law: One of my heroes, who I admired hugely, was the great Jimmy Greaves. When he got the ball, you basically knew it would end up in the back of the net. The disappointing thing with him was he didn't get to play in the World Cup final - and he was probably the best striker in the world at that point. Chopper Harris was also a great player - you didn't have to think too hard about how he got his nickname. There were quite a few tough players in those days. We had two or three ourselves in Bill Foulkes, Paddy Crerand and Nobby Stiles. They could all kick a few players!

Van Gaal has a couple of selection headaches - is that a positive?

Dwight Yorke: If you look through the years, United have always had competition for places - it’s always fierce but fair. As a player, you know if you’re not doing your job then there is another player ready to step in. That's what it is all about. It’s great news for the fans that the team is playing well. Robin van Persie is on his way back and Angel Di Maria is waiting on the bench - those kind of players are match-winners. To have world-class players at your disposal has to be great for the manager. He must look and think I’m in a good place.